• Seasons in Leadership – The Military Leader

    Seasons. Change. Transition. Growth.

    The notion of seasons has come to me from multiple sources recently. One obvious change has been my professional transition…closing the season of battalion command and embarking on a new duty with a new scope of responsibilities. (This season even ended with a ceremony…most don’t!) The people, the conversations, battle rhythms, challenges, opportunities, office spaces, run routes…it’s all different now. It’s entirely new terrain and it demands adaptation.

    The other experience that inspired reflection on change was at Yosemite National Park last week, immersed in an ecosystem that is in a perpetual state of natural change. Seasons incrementally and seamlessly slip into one another, presenting subtly-forming but radical new landscapes of sun and ice, rock and water, cloud, air, plant, animal, and fire.

    Half Dome, Glacier Point, and Yosemite Valley, as seen from the Upper Yosemite Falls Trail in Yosemite National Park, CA.

    Several informative visitor centers highlighted 4-photo collages of Yosemite through the yearly seasons, which are clearly distinguishable from one another. Greens and pastels blaze forth from the trees and wildflowers in Spring. Waterfalls cascade with powerful imminence in Summer. Fall blankets the valley, creating a 3,000 foot U-shaped bed of warm reds and oranges. Then in Winter, snow smothers all, dampening life and movement and sound.

    In those snapshots, the stark transition from season to season is unavoidable. One can see and feel the change.

    Leading Through Seasons

    In leadership, seeing change is a valuable skill. Even if you’re already in the season, recognizing what’s happening around you and your team is crucial. (Of course, seeing it beforehand is preferred.) Leaders who see changing seasons can sense shifting conditions and behaviors in people, systems, and environment in which they operate.

    They listen, they empathize, they are open. They welcome other perspectives, valuing them as indicators, data points of a malleable landscape. And these leaders realize that the current season is only desirable because it is comfortable, and that little growth is borne out of comfort. They can see the change because they are looking for it…they welcome it.

    Leaders who can sense a season of…

    personal struggle in others look for disruption in attitude and behavior, and ask “How are you doing?”…then “How are you really doing?”

    overcommitment and limited personal bandwidth are realistic about what the duty will demand and stringent about how many opportunities they say Yes to.

    operational friction have specific questions and data points they seek to indicate progress (i.e. the proper positioning of leaders and assets, the reserve amount of X on hand, the time allotted to subordinate units for planning, and the communications status of command nodes, among others).

    limited time/space for their own priorities understand that they must first fulfill their boss’s priorities, then anticipate and plan around them.

    risk in the organization do so by assessing how many organizational factors will change and by how much, as well as how many aspects of the operation, even minor ones, are compromised or failing (start counting up three or four strained operational variables and you might be in trouble). Here’s another post about that…

    organizational growth notice when high-performing talent arrives to the team, providing opportunity to insert new energy and fresh perspective for growth; or perhaps when a significant event is on the horizon that requires the team to elevate its level of play.

    recovery can make an unbiased assessment of the strain on the team, then adjust expectations to maintain a high-performing state; this leader is able to tell his hardest-working, exhausted subordinate to go home early and get some rest.

    Leaders Develop Vision for Change

    Regardless of the situation, the best leaders know that by their role and responsibility, they are specifically-positioned to intuit transition and see growth opportunity. These leaders intentionally develop vision to sense impending seasons. Then they fulfill their responsibility to define reality for the team and empathetically guide their followers through the change. In doing so, they model how to lead through change with foresight and intention.

    Questions for Leaders

    • How would you describe the season are you in? How did you arrive at this place and what are you doing about it?
    • What indicators do you look for to sense change? How do you know it’s coming?
    • Who helps you identify an impending season? Who helps you get through it? Have you told them how valuable they are?

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  • Top 3 Astrobiology Podcasts You Must Follow in 2021

    1. NASA’s Ask An Astrobiologist

    About Podcast Ask An Astrobiologist is an interactive talk show sponsored by the NASA Astrobiology Program,, and the Blue Marble Space Institute of Science. In each episode, our hosts, Dr. Sanjoy Som and Dr. Graham Lau (Blue Marble Space Institute for Science), interview one of the best and brightest scientists from the field of astrobiology. Frequency 1 episode / month Since Aug 2017 Podcast
    Twitter followers 4.4K ⋅ Alexa Rank 995 View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

    2. StarTalk Radio

    StarTalk Radio

    New York City, New York, United States About Podcast Science, pop culture, and comedy collide on StarTalk Radio! Astrophysicist and Hayden Planetarium director Neil deGrasse Tyson, his comic co-hosts, guest celebrities, and scientists discuss astronomy, physics, and everything else about life in the universe. Keep Looking Up! New episodes premiere Friday nights at 7 pm ET. Frequency 2 episodes / week Since Jun 2009 Also in Physics Podcasts, Astrophysics Podcasts Podcast
    Facebook fans 535.1K ⋅ Twitter followers 204.6K ⋅ Social Engagement 8 ⋅ Alexa Rank 1.3M View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

    3. Primordial Scoop

    Primordial Scoop

    Alachua, Florida, United States About Podcast To find life on other planets, we have to first understand weird life on Earth and how it began. Join Sydney Shaner, a graduate student, and researcher, to explore the world of astrobiology and all the cool science that contributes to it through the lens of a first-generation college student and woman in STEM. Frequency 1 episode / month Since Apr 2021 Podcast
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  • Time to Change Perspective – The Military Leader

    “I should have seen that coming…”

    “If I hadn’t had been so focused on this, I could’ve anticipated that…”

    “Where did THIS come from???”

    We’ve all uttered these words at one point or another, searching for an explanation as to how our circumstances managed to outpace our intellect, premonition capacity, focused research, and detailed planning effort.

    Army Staff Sgt. Ariel Hughes pulls a simulated wounded soldier through an obstacle during the Drill Sergeant of the Year Competition at Camp Bullis, Texas, Aug. 19, 2019. Twelve soldiers from around the U.S. took part in the four-day competition. Link to DoD photo.

    Perspective is Decisive

    Often, leaders fail to see the impending train wreck because they’re not leading at their level. Their perspective is off…inappropriately focused on something that doesn’t matter. Perhaps, a crisis. Or a shiny data point. Or a loud and captivating person. Any number of events, objects, and interactions are sufficient to divert leader attention.

    But a leader’s job is to define priorities, and reality…which means they have a discerning lens through which they see the world, the organization’s landscape of effort. They know how to see that world and have the discipline to do so.

    The question is:  how do you know what your appropriate perspective is?

    What are your triggers for changing perspective? For pausing amidst chaos and unceasing organizational effort to assess the terrain and make course corrections? How do you know when you should stop focusing on small tasks and explore big problems? When do you switch from shallow, rote thinking to deep, creative thinking? What triggers have you identified to snap you out of the comfortable intellectual path on which you so diligently planned…and force you to consider alternatives that are counter to everything your team is doing?

    Perspective Triggers

    …How do you know when to think differently?

    Here are some triggers to consider:

    • Systems/Processes – at the completion of a routine staff or organizational function like the Operations Process, when everyone is comfortable with the plan. Or perhaps when you make a big organizational change or transition from one phase of effort into another.
    • Events/Effects – when friendly, enemy, or environmental events occur. For example, crossing the Line of Departure in an attack is a good trigger to examine what is happening after the attack is complete. Destroying X amount of enemy capability is an appropriate time to assess if a high-payoff opportunity is forming, which would necessitate your guidance and organizational change. Conversely, the fact that a friendly element was destroyed is especially relevant if it’s the unit that puts you at 60% capability…and thus, combat ineffective.
    • Status Changes – one unit reporting that it is struggling in a certain area (sustainment, maintenance, ammunition, timing, communications, etc.) is cause to consider the possibility that this is a systemic problem that will grow. Widening one’s perspective might reveal that.
    • Conversations – a chat with the boss should trigger a perspective change (i.e. “What should I be doing better to meet my boss’ intent? Have I inappropriately prioritized my own efforts over my boss’?”) Perhaps it’s a frustrated subordinate who voiced concerns…probably a good time to step back and examine if this is a trend. No one else has that perspective or ability to survey the team…you do.
    • Time of Day – what is the ebb and flow of your perspective? Should you have a larger, more creative perspective during the morning when you are fresh? (If so, should you protect that time…to protect that thinking?)
    • Level of Fatigue – if you can avoid it…exhausted, hungry, wet, and cold is not the time to make big decisions. Do those states of being generate a trigger for you to reduce your decision making to only the small problems? Is there someone who can pick up the task of deep thinking for you? When you’re at your weakest, do you have a way to minimize decision risk?

    The transition between modes of thinking is cognitively taxing. And most of us do it all day long without an appreciation of the toll it takes. Self-aware leaders recognize that they (and their organization) flow through various status of activity and effectiveness, requiring them to change perspective, approach, and guidance. Leaders susceptible to distraction miss big threats. Leaders who think and lead at their appropriate level, with their unique vision of the organization, enable big opportunities.

    For more on how to think, consider the book Thinking, Fast and Slow.

    Questions for Leaders

    • Do you have the wrong perspective? How would you know?
    • Have you enabled someone around you to keep you appropriately engaged and ahead of the organization?
    • What if you stopped making decisions for the organization…who would pick up the ball?

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  • Everything You Need to Know About PCIe 4.0

    Photo: PCIe slots on a motherboard

    Table of Contents

    Industry adoption of PCIe 4.0 CPUs, PCIe 4.0 motherboards, PCIe SSDs, and high-powered PCIe 4.0 expansion cards is in full swing.

    Board manufacturers and chipmakers have launched or are preparing to launch PCIe 4.0 motherboards and PCIe 4.0 CPUs, and with those launches come performance benefits for customers employing PCIe 4.0 expansion cards, including GPUs, RAID cards, PCIe SSDs, and more.

    But what is PCIe 4.0, and how is it any better than PCIe 3.0? You might even be wondering whether upgrading to PCIe 4.0 will be right for you when the time comes for your program or application to make that leap.

    In this blog post, we’ll discuss PCIe 4.0, as well as its purpose, speeds, compatibilities, and whether you should consider upgrading to PCIe 4.0 when the time comes.

    We’ll walk you through everything you need to know, slot by slot, in this complete reference guide to PCIe 4.0.


  • At the end of the map marker…

    When serving on staff and even while in command, process often dilutes purpose. As individuals and on teams, we routinely focus on what we’re supposed to do at the expense of appreciating the why or fully realizing the impact of our efforts. Connecting Planning to Purpose This happens throughout the operations process and troop leading procedures. […]

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  • Top 10 Epistemology Podcasts You Must Follow in 2021

    1. The Street Epistemology Podcast

    About Podcast Learn various facts about Epistemology through this podcast. Frequency 1 episode / week Since May 2016 Podcast
    Social Engagement 1 ⋅ Alexa Rank 3.8K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

    2. Epistik


    About Podcast Pause. Think aloud. Repeat. Epistemology + Ethics = Epistik Whoever questions you openly with genuine reason is loyal to you. Thank you for listening! Frequency 1 episode / day Since Dec 2020 Podcast
    Twitter followers 12 ⋅ Alexa Rank 2.7K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

    3. The Thinker: Epistemology Consultant

    The Thinker: Epistemology Consultant

    About Podcast I still remember when I first discovered that we can know. And not just trivial knowledge. We can know about the most important topics humans can think about. Would you like to show it is clear that God exists? Or that we can know the highest good? Join me as the epistemology consultant as I take knowledge questions. Frequency 1 episode / week Since Mar 2021 Podcast
    Social Engagement 1 ⋅ Alexa Rank 2.7K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

    4. Rhapsody Science

    Rhapsody Science

    About Podcast A podcast that discusses in-depth science and epistemology, the art of knowledge-making. This podcast will not shy away from complex concepts or try to over-simplify those concepts so that they might become distorted. But the podcast will be elementary, that it will provide listeners with all the information they might need to be able to come to conclusions and understandings on their own terms. Frequency 1 episode / month Since Jul 2020 Podcast
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    5. ToKCast


    About Podcast This is a podcast largely about the work of David Deutsch and his books The Beginning of Infinity and The Fabric of Reality. Frequency 2 episodes / week Since Dec 2018 Podcast
    Alexa Rank 3.4M View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

    6. Knowledge Pursuit: Auxiliary

    Knowledge Pursuit: Auxiliary

    About Podcast A primer into epistemology to anybody who is interested. This podcast goes into further detail about the concepts that were mentioned in the podcast Knowledge Pursuit. The Areas of Knowledge (AOK) and the Ways of Knowing(WOK) are discussed. This podcast does have to do with the course of TOK, but because it has to do more with how we think about what we know, it’s not exactly about what we learn in school. It’s more about logic and reason, as well as bias and fallacies in reasoning. Frequency 10 episodes / year Since Aug 2020 Podcast
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    7. Epistemology


    About Podcast The podcast interestingly explains various aspects of Epistemology. Frequency 1 episode / quarter Since Mar 2021 Podcast
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    About Podcast The Podcast provides a interesting explanation related to EPISTEMOLOGY Frequency 1 episode / quarter Since Mar 2021 Podcast
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    9. What Epistemology Is All About

    What Epistemology Is All About

    About Podcast Epistemology, the philosophical study of the nature, origin, and limits of human knowledge. Frequency 1 episode / month Since Mar 2021 Podcast
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  • Why I Removed My Confederate Flag

    I grew up in the South. A little bit in Tennessee and Florida, but mostly in Georgia. Though I spent that childhood in the neighborhoods of suburban Atlanta and not in the country farm fields, I still received the imprint of geographical culture:  Southern politeness, Waffle House, sweet tea, country music, NASCAR and The Dukes of Hazard were all accepted – and expected – norms. As was pride in the Confederacy.

    The flag of the Confederacy on the ground during a protest against white nationalists in Washington, D.C. Photo credit.

    In the South, the was Civil War was viewed as a struggle for states’ rights that happened to end poorly but was still worthy of honoring. Confederate symbols were a part of everyday life, featured on T-shirts, bumper stickers, flags, and signs. General Robert E. Lee was a household hero we could pick out of a line-up of dead generals.

    Thinking back, I remember visiting Stone Mountain every summer to watch the laser light show, which concluded in a dramatic scene idolizing Lee, Stonewall Jackson, and Jefferson Davis. At the time I had not internalized why those men had fought, yet I carried forward the pride that they did.

    So, it should be no surprise that at some point in high school I ended up with a 4×6 inch Confederate flag sticker. I would not say that I sought out this vestige of the Confederacy; it was simply a natural thing to have.

    And as I found myself at the Air Force Academy, trying to retain some individuality among the thousands of cadets, I decided to latch on to my Southern heritage and display this Confederate flag on my newly-issued desktop computer. There it stayed until the next year, when I met Dale.


    Dale was a retired Air Force Colonel who spent much of his time mentoring cadets and former cadets as they progressed through the Air Force (several into the General Officer ranks). Dale is the most thoughtful, articulate, well-read leader I’ve ever known. Interestingly, he has also earned the nickname “The Dragon.”

    Confederate Flag

    Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, and Jefferson Davis carved into the face of Stone Mountain. Photo credit.

    In 1997, he stopped by my cadet room for the first time and noticed my Confederate flag.

    “What’s that?” he asked.

    I replied matter-of-factly, “Oh, I’m from Georgia.”

    Dale just stared at me, waiting for an appropriate response to his question. A nervous feeling swelled in my gut; and before I could muster some sort of diversionary comment, he added, “You know, some people find that flag offensive. You might want to consider removing it.”

    I nodded in acknowledgement, but more out of respect for an authority figure than in appreciation of his comment. Our conversation carried on for a few minutes more, and I went back to my afternoon cadet activities.

    Meeting “The Dragon”

    Weeks later, the sticker was still on my computer when Dale stopped by once again. The moment he walked in, I realized I had completely ignored his suggestion. As he glanced down to see the Confederate flag, I watched his demeanor transform from cordial to confrontational; and he locked eyes with me.

    “I see you chose not to act on my advice to remove that sticker. So, let me be clear. That is the flag of the Confederacy, which fought to protect its right to own slaves. You might display it because you are from Georgia, but that is not what it means to others. You are going to be a leader. People will pay attention to what you espouse. That flag will undermine your influence and, worse, generate feelings of oppressiveness and hostility. Do you really want that?”

    I was mortified.

    He continued calmly, “Quite frankly, I’m not sure I want to mentor a cadet who can’t understand or won’t correct a serious issue like this. So, let me know this week if you want to continue our engagements.”

    The Dragon turned around and walked out, leaving me feeling quite embarrassed. The instant he left my eyeline, I darted to my computer and scraped off the sticker.

    Decisive Mentorship

    Dale’s intervention was decisive in shaping my perspective as a leader. At the time I was not mature enough to separate the horrific practice of Southern slavery from my inherited pride in growing up Southern. Not only did he shed light on my ignorance, but he cared enough to hold me to the higher standard when I was slow to change. (And to his credit, he did so when there was no national conversation surrounding racial injustice.)

    This is the heart of true mentorship:  to guide the formation of someone’s core beliefs, exposing them to perspectives that inspire change and make them a better leader, perhaps even a better person. Some say leaders should avoid trying to personally influence followers in this way, but this is exactly what leaders are supposed to do.

    Leaders have an inherent responsibility to shape character and must look for opportunities to do so – to deliberately seek these “teaching moments.” This is especially true in the military, where Americans expect us to lead with character that is commensurate to the responsibility they have given us.

    Dale’s admonishment was a blinding flash of the obvious; and after seeing his perspective, I have paid close attention to what I display and espouse in my role as a leader. I have also evolved my beliefs on Confederate military success; I am not so quick to praise the noble tactical achievements of leaders like Robert E. Lee, given that they fought for such an ignoble cause.

    Dale mentors me to this day and I am grateful that he continues to invest in me and countless other growing leaders.

    Thanks, Dale.

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  • AES Encryption: The Definitive Question-And-Answer Guide

    Graphic: The Advanced Encryption Standard, or AES, is the modern gold standard for data encryption. We’ll answer your frequently asked questions and tell you everything you need to know in this definitive AES question-and-answer guide.

    Table of Contents

    You’re storing or transmitting secret or top-secret information. You’re tasked with ensuring that sensitive information relevant to national security is concealed from nation-state actors attempting to steal it. Or, maybe, you’re just a security-conscious person or business owner who wants to keep their data and correspondence away from prying eyes. Regardless, the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) contains the algorithm for the job.

    The AES algorithm transforms data and makes it indecipherable to hackers and other individuals attempting to access your data without authorization. In this blog post, we’re answering your frequently asked questions (FAQs) about AES encryption and AES algorithms, how the encryption process works, the differences between AES key lengths, and much more.

    At the end, we’ll explain how your program or application can benefit from AES encryption, as well as how to use it to secure your sensitive information, assuming you aren’t doing so already.


  • Top 15 Social Enterprise Podcasts You Must Follow in 2021

    1. Impact Boom Podcast | Social Enterprise & Design

    About Podcast Impact Boom searches the globe to find the people, stories & inspiration to help you create a maximum positive impact. We interview world-leading social innovators, entrepreneurs, changemakers, designers, educators, thinkers, and doers who share Insights, ideas & inspiration. As long as these leaders are focussing their efforts on creating positive social and environmental change, we’ll make sure you hear about it. Frequency 1 episode / week Since Jan 2017 Podcast
    Twitter followers 3.2K ⋅ Alexa Rank 1.4M View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

    2. Strategy Made Simple

    Strategy Made Simple

    Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada About Podcast Strategy Made Simple is about making strategy, well, simple. Hosted by Matthew Rempel, and based on interviews with leaders in social enterprise, and exploring techniques to improve your social enterprise Listen for strategies that you can take and apply to your organization’s situation. Frequency 3 episodes / quarter Since Oct 2017 Podcast
    Twitter followers 330 ⋅ Alexa Rank 5.1K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

    3. fincaonline


    Washington, District Of Columbia, United States About Podcast The Social Enterprise Podcast is presented by Rupert Scofield, President & CEO of FINCA International, a global pioneer in microfinance and social enterprise. Frequency 1 episode / month Since Feb 2019 Podcast
    Facebook fans 36.6K ⋅ Twitter followers 17.5K ⋅ Social Engagement 2 ⋅ Alexa Rank 134 View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

    4. Inspiring Social Entrepreneurs Podcast

    Inspiring Social Entrepreneurs Podcast

    About Podcast At Inspiring Social Entrepreneurs, we talk to experienced and successful social entrepreneurs and change-makers, committed to building a better world. Working as a social entrepreneur is hugely fulfilling yet uniquely challenging. And it is often a lonely journey. We aim to share inspiring stories, explore the highs and the lows, learn how different social entrepreneurs have kept inspired, and draw out insights to help social entrepreneurs at all stages on their journey. Frequency 1 episode / week Since Mar 2014 Podcast inspiringsocialentrepreneurs..
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    5. Make An Impact Podcast

    Make An Impact Podcast

    Birmingham, England, United Kingdom About Podcast Make An Impact Podcast is the podcast for you if you’re a social entrepreneur or purpose-led business owner, or desire to be one, and want to be inspired to make a bigger impact on people and the planet. Heidi Fisher MBE talks to social entrepreneurs who have set up all kinds of enterprises, and finds out more about how they are successfully running their social enterprises, and making a positive impact in the world. Frequency 2 episodes / month Since Aug 2019 Podcast
    Facebook fans 349 ⋅ Twitter followers 401 ⋅ Alexa Rank 4.1K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

    6. In the Business of Change

    In the Business of Change

    About Podcast The Magazine of Social Enterprise & Entrepreneurship. Frequency 1 episode / month Since Mar 2017 Podcast
    Facebook fans 1.2K ⋅ Twitter followers 3.3K ⋅ Alexa Rank 2.6M View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

    7. The Good Business Podcast

    The Good Business Podcast

    About Podcast The Good Business Podcast is where you get an inside view of what it takes to take an idea to transform the world for the better and turn it into something real. Frequency 1 episode / quarter Since Nov 2019 Podcast
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    8. Social Enterprise + Fair Trade (WFTO)

    Social Enterprise + Fair Trade (WFTO)

    Culemborg, Gelderland, Netherlands About Podcast The WFTO is a global community and verifier of social enterprises that fully practice Fair Trade. Spread across 76 countries, WFTO members all exist to serve marginalised communities. It is a global community of Fair Trade Enterprises pioneering models of business that put workers and farmers first. Frequency 3 episodes / quarter Since Oct 2018 Podcast
    Twitter followers 38.2K ⋅ Social Engagement 3 ⋅ Alexa Rank 873.1K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

    9. Supporting Women in Social Enterprise

    Supporting Women in Social Enterprise

    United Kingdom About Podcast A monthly podcast with tips, hints, insights, and interviews to help change-makers and those in Social Enterprise create the change they see needed in communities and society at large. Frequency 1 episode / quarter Since Oct 2019 Podcast
    Twitter followers 3.1K ⋅ Alexa Rank 30.9K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

    10. MY.Social Enterprise

    MY.Social Enterprise

    Malaysia About Podcast MY. Social Enterprise is a platform that introduces social enterprises based in Malaysia. To provide a better understanding of what is a social enterprise. Most importantly, to inspire people to get involved in the social enterprise movement in Malaysia and also in any other regions. In each episode, invited social entrepreneurs will share their social enterprises, their passion for creating positive social and environmental impact, and their entrepreneurial journey. Frequency 6 episodes / quarter Since Jan 2021 Podcast
    Alexa Rank 28.3K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

    11. AIU Social Business Program

    AIU Social Business Program

    About Podcast A platform for social business awareness. Frequency 2 episodes / month Since Mar 2021 Podcast
    Alexa Rank 2.7K View Latest Episodes Get Email Contact

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  • Top 2 Demonology Podcasts You Must Follow in 2021

    Top 2 Demonology Podcasts Contents [show] ⋅About this list & ranking Demonology Podcasts Southern Demonology: the Podcast that Explores Angelology, Demonology, Ghosts, Spirits, and Monsters Jereme Leonard the Cajun Demonologist Submit Blog Do you want more traffic, leads, and sales? Submit your blog below if you want to grow your traffic and revenue. Submit Your Blog Demonology […]

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