
The NASA recovery team began by taking samples of the desert ground and atmosphere where the capsule landed. Then they gingerly loaded …

Nearly 1,500 US police departments operate drones but only about a dozen routinely dispatch them in response to 911 calls, according to …

The music business is booming. Streaming revenue is up. Vinyl sales are up. CD sales are, somehow, also up. All of this …

But then, as statecraft in the real world came to favor game theory over traditional diplomacy, the metagame likewise shifted. Online players …

Earlier this year, the stock photo service provider Getty Images sued Stability AI over what Getty said was the misuse of more …

The US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has done tens of thousands of face recognition searches using software from outside providers in …

With any organ transplant, doctors are trying to balance how to prevent infections while tamping down the immune system. Without immunosuppressive drugs, …

When the European Union issued new rules for the internet earlier this year, officials in Brussels envisioned a system that would stop …

I’ve tested a ton of scooters. Not all of them deserve a spot above, but some are still worth a mention. These …