Scuttlebutt Ep 69: Chris Pavlak – From Lawyer to Warrior
Posted on: February 22,2023
Hello again Scuttlebutt listeners. This week we welcome Chris Pavlak, Marine ground intelligence officer and author of the book, From Lawyer to Warrior, to the show. Chris’ journey to the yellow footprints is best captured by the term, persistence, which is a theme I think resonates for all of us. We joke that failure is just an opportunity to succeed and Chris epitomizes that. He is very forthcoming about his failures in his book, as he chronicles for us the times where expectations and reality don’t seem to gel in the way that we want. But pushing through adversity not only reveals to us our true path but reveals a lot about who we truly are. Chris talks to us about his book, the cultural shifts he had to embrace as he went from aspiring lawyer to Marine officer, the value of esprit de corps, and the enriching experiences he found in the comradery of being a leader of Marines. Enjoy!
Produced by Vic Ruble, William Treuting, and Nancy Lichtman.
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