30 Tool Kit Picks (2023): Dremel, Pliers, Drill, Tape

Nobody ever lounged around while waiting for a home repair person. Nail-biting impatience is more comnmon. How long will they take? When will they get here? What will it end up costing?

A home repair tool kit can save you a lot of time, money, and stress if you’re willing to tackle a few tasks yourself. It doesn’t much matter if you’ve never done it before. That’s what first times are for. And it doesn’t matter that you don’t already know how to do them: That’s what YouTube tutorials are for. All it takes is a can-do attitude, a bit of patience, the humility to know when to consult the instructions, and the right set of tools. With the right attitude and the right gear, you’ll be amazed by what you can accomplish.

Be sure to check out our many other buying guides, including our Favorite Cold-Weather Gear Under $100, the Best Climbing Gear for Beginners, Emergency Gear to Keep at Home, and our Buy It For Life Guide.

Updated November 2023: We’ve updated pricing and availability. We’ve also added an X-Acto knife, Dremel power tool, and caulk tube cap, as well as updated our recommendations for caulk.

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